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Equity index futures are used by nearly every type of institutional investor to dial up or down beta, to hedge risk, and to equitize cash, but there’s a cost for that leverage embedded in future prices – and not all futures users optimize around those costs. With quarterly futures in play – December contracts expired when the markets opened on December 18 – portfolio managers and traders may be thinking about when and if to roll their positions.

最近,我与贝莱德iShares市场和交易策略主管Kristy Akullian进行了交谈,谈到了您对12-3月滚动的预期,该滚动历来是历年中最昂贵的。


Akullian:标准普尔500指数与公允价值相当丰富,我们看到我们覆盖的其他暴露的趋势继续。罗素2000通常交易便宜到公允价值,这非常不寻常,因为几乎所有一切都有一点较长的偏见。但是Russell,因为需求缩短指数,因为它是高测试版,通常在亚Libor水平上进行交易 - 但即使我们看到大约30个基点的交易富裕。1

在新兴市场和EAFE [欧洲,澳大拉多亚洲,远东]空间中发生了同样的事情,这是投资者往往看的两个大型MSCI综合指标,而且这两个人都比上次季度相当富裕.他们可能在到期时实际上略高,但目前很难说。


Akullian:That’s the $1 million question every quarter. In December, the more hoopla around year-end funding pressures and balance sheet, the more people pre-position ahead of it. So, the hoopla doesn’t necessarily become manifest. People have been focused on a lot of different things this year leading up to the roll, and the richness of it surprised a lot of people relative to last quarter. Usually, when that happens, we tend to see the richness peak a little bit earlier on, and then fall off a little bit as we go into expiry. But as nice as that sounds from a long-rollers perspective, I always caution that those last two days prior to expiry are like the Wild West. Anything can happen – it’s on pretty thin liquidity, so we tend to see really big moves either richen or cheapen just in those last two days.

There’s a conventional wisdom that hedge funds tend to roll later in the cycle than other asset managers and asset owners do. Since they tend to be short, sometimes they come in and push the roll down, and it will tend to cheapen a little bit. I don’t know if that’s still always true, but that’s the folklore. However, we always caution people to trade in line with volume. You don’t want to be caught on the wrong side of those Wild West big moves and thin liquidity.


Akullian:通常,我们看到的是资产负债表变得非常昂贵。这是非常稀缺的,银行,尤其是美国机构的许多激励措施,将资产负债表归结为年底 - 他们希望在监管机构看起来尽可能强大和健康。所以,当你看到资产负债表获得一点点更紧时,它也往往会变得更加昂贵。这可以通过合成产品涟漪,并且在您使用银行资产负债表的任何地方,预计12月份的比例比例如,它可能是1月或3月的比较。



另一个类似的观察结果是:在3月至4月期间,以及整个夏季,etf充当了一种会议场所。无论是机构投资者还是新一代散户投资者罗宾汉(Robin Hoodies)都在推动价格上涨,他们的交易方向相反。因为etf既可以是零售工具,也可以是机构工具,它们允许这两个群体有时在中间相遇,我们看到了许多自然的双向流动。这也促成了大量更高的交易量。亚博赞助欧冠

How has equity market volatility this year has affected how people think about index exposure?




Akullian:这是实现曝光的最佳车辆通过资产类,曝光和随着时间的推移来改变。这就是为什么在以期货卷成本上具有动态监控处理是很重要的。我们还发现,投资者的授权,使自定义是任何分析的关键方面的成本可能会显着变化。那些是一些引领发展的最佳学习BlackRock Delta One tool,which is designed to help investors compare the costs of index replication via futures and ETFs.

你提到了Blackrock Delta一个工具。谁能够充分利用该工具提供的分析类型?

Akullian:当我们建造它时,这个想法是需要线程le of being useful from both a portfolio management perspective and also from a trading perspective. As we’ve rolled it out to institutional clients, we’ve seen that it can serve as a bridge between those two. For example, a portfolio manager may say, “I need exposure to this index and this size.” And then give the discretion to the trader in terms vehicle selection. Sometimes a portfolio manager sends a trade order to specifically buy and sell X amount of futures contracts, and the tool can help both of them speak the same language, and that is quite helpful because vehicle selection typically sits somewhere between portfolio management and trading with no clear ownership. Even within BlackRock, we see variations depending on the PM and whomever is trading the PM’s book. Delta One introduces a common language and a place that everybody can meet and understand each other’s perspective.

The tool is about a year old now. Do you see a lot of asset owners using it?


For access to BlackRock’s Delta One Tool and other tools for institutional investors,









There can be no assurance that an active trading market for shares of an ETF will develop or be maintained.

The BlackRock Delta One tool includes analyses of various implementation vehicles for index exposure, using a product universe that includes index ETFs and equity index futures. The tool includes information related to exposure, liquidity, cost and performance, which are key metrics to consider when selecting an appropriate vehicle. As many factors could influence a decision about which vehicle is best suited for a given investment goal, this information should not be relied upon exclusively when evaluating various investment options.



This material represents an assessment of the market environment as of the date indicated; is subject to change; and is not intended to be a forecast of future events or a guarantee of future results. This information should not be relied upon by the reader as research or investment advice regarding the funds or any issuer or security in particular.


