
麦肯锡 - 杰伊阿里克斯终于结束了吗?

法官批准麦肯锡从威斯摩尔兰煤炭破产的退出 - 但阿里克斯向公司发誓要“保持密切关注”。


Houston federal bankruptcy judge David Jones, who has been overseeing the Westmoreland Coal bankruptcy case, approved a settlement between McKinsey and the U.S. Trustee, a Justice Department watchdog, in which the consultancy agreed to forgo $8 million in fees it would have received for representing Westmoreland as its advisor. McKinsey agreed to withdraw its application to represent Westmoreland in bankruptcy instead of continuing with the trial that delved into its bankruptcy advisory practices, whichAlix.据称是非法的。


“我们赢了”,Alix在审判令后的一封电子邮件中。Alix是Alix Partners的退休创始人,竞争破产咨询任务与麦肯锡。多年来,Alix声称巨头咨询公司因未破产规则有关潜在冲突的披露而创造了一个不均匀的竞争领域。

阿里克斯在很大程度上专注于潜在的冲突在麦肯锡重组子公司的破产客户之间及其投资武装伙伴之间的破产客户 - 投资公司的合作伙伴和员工。


“通过迫使麦肯锡从威斯尔兰退出威斯马尔兰诉讼,我们实现了我们的目标 - 揭露麦肯锡的非法披露实践”,“阿克斯·谁呼吁和解”为美国破产制度的伟大胜利“。



“Thanks to our ongoing litigation to shed light on McKinsey’s illegalities, McKinsey now holds the all-time record for the five highest sanctions in bankruptcy history ($17.5 million in SunEdison; $8.0 million in Westmoreland; and $15 million for the ANR, SunEdison, and Westmoreland cases),” Alix said in the email.


然而,Alix的投资公司 - 马弓价值合作伙伴,诉讼党 - 要求法官做的不仅仅是接受和解。

“The commitment to future compliance in the proposed settlement consists of yet another vague promise (in a long series of broken promises) that, in the future, McKinsey’s disclosures will ‘include’ ‘affiliate connections’ and “confidential client connections’,” Mar-Bow explained in an objection to the settlement filed just one day before Tuesday’s hearing. For one thing, the proposed settlement made no promises of disclosure regarding MIO, it noted.




Mar-Bow, preferring that the trial continue, asked that any settlement require McKinsey to disclose all of the firm’s connections to a proposed bankruptcy advisory client, including MIO disclosures, as well as a requirement for software to check for such connections, along with enforcement and monitoring.



在听证会期间,Aean O'Shea是Alix的律师表示,他担心Sollestement只是“踢掉了路上的路”,“我们觉得我们会再次出现”。



