

From the Jan 2021 Artisan Partners Finding Innovation

除非只是数字,周年纪念日与可持续的卓越和承诺关注重要的目标。这对Artisan Partners尤其如此,今年标志着其非美国的25周年。增长战略,以及其全球股权战略的10年。资金投资组合管理团队的核心成员 - Mark Yockey,Charles Hamker和Andrew Euretig - 已在一起超过15年。他们编制了一个非凡的曲目记录,因为你会在本报告中看到。PMS由深层和经验丰富的研究分析师团队提供支持,每个人都在其部门和专业区域内具有重要知识。现在测试的投资方法融合了深入的公司特定的研究和世俗主题,以确定具有可持续增长的公司,以合理的估值定价。事实上,团队中的一句话是“以合理的价格增长,而不是任何价格。”

Yockey started the ball rolling when he joined the firm 25 years ago, and II’s conversations with him highlight what you’re about to read.


In an Institutional Investor profile of Mark Yockey five years ago, the esteemed Julie Segal had this to say about her subject:

对于投资者来说,只要你是对的,就会很早。只是询问Marwaukee的营业董事Mark Yockey,这是基于Milwaukee的营业伙伴,他们一直在全球范围内投资三十多年。2012年,58岁的投资组合经理开始购买欧洲有线电视公司的股票 - 包括基于U.K.的维尔京媒体,比利时的维尔京媒体,比利时的Telenet集团控股和荷兰的Ziggo - 由于该行业折扣着折扣定价,因此被萎缩。在密歇根州湖东海岸长大的yockey观看了美国有线电视公司的利润,从电视和电话服务捆绑,并在应用程序,游戏和流媒体视频上勾入美国人。亚慱体育app他很自信的欧洲电缆将遵循同一个剧本。

“These stocks had been clobbered for the past five years – for the past ten years, really,” Yockey says with a distinctive Midwestern twang … As it turns out, London-based Liberty Global started acquiring Yockey’s European holdings, becoming the largest international cable concern as it expanded its footprint, giving Artisan a tidy profit…


你加入了工匠合作伙伴launch the firm’s Non-U.S. Growth Strategy in 1995. Based on that it would seem you took a global view of the investment world when few others did. What appealed to you about that perspective then – and presumably still does today?




You and your team were talking about sustainable growth before anyone had ever heard of ESG.





马克yockey:I’m pretty optimistic, and I think the rest of our team is, too. I hate to sound trite, but the vaccine is probably a game changer. In fact, not probably – it is a game changer. It’s going to give people confidence that the nightmare of the pandemic is going to be dealt with at some point in the next 12 months. I think that’s going to give investors a lot of confidence. At the same time, given all that’s happened, corporate profitability around the world has held up pretty well. In the U.S. and in some of the companies in Europe, profitability has remained extremely high. There are certain sectors that have been destroyed. If you’re in the travel sector your business basically evaporated, for example. But in the industrial sector in the U.S., and technology companies, healthcare companies, earnings have been enhanced, not hurt. Interest rates are extremely low and corporate profitability is going to rebound. We may be a little choppy going forward, but we’re quite optimistic.


2How Factors Can Help Reduce Risk in Corporate Bond Exposures

Finding sufficient bond income has become harder, leading portfolio managers to take on more risk by extending duration and reducing credit quality. The average fund in the peer group allocated more than half of its fixed income sleeve/allocation to corporate bonds (see Figure 4, below), a meaningful difference from the aggregate bond benchmark.1这些企业债券分配中包含的投资级和高收益债券可能具有较低的质量,以实现收入目标,这增加了投资组合的风险。



The aforementioned iShares ETFs exhibit lower probability of default and similar or higher yield (see Figure 5, below) than their traditional counterparts, helping managers continue to allocate to IG and HY corporate bonds in pursuit of higher income with potentially less risk.


“With factor ETFs, there’s tremendous scope for quality and minimum volatility in equities, and quality and value in fixed income, to help meet income needs with increased diversification and potential for additional protection on the downside.
- Andrew Ang,因子投资策略负责人,Blackrock

- Mark Carver,总经理股权因素负责人,MSCI

1基准是Bloomberg Barclays美国汇总债券指数。


在Artisan Partners的全球股权队的重点是全球股权队的重点之一,能源是对投资组合和世界各地的有意义影响的能源。II问马克yockey为一些公司和众议节的例子,他和他的团队在能源空间中。

  • 燃气轮机/西门子能源(德国):“西门子能源最近宣布他们走出煤炭。我们认为他们会的,这是一个积极的事情。股票正在交易,我们认为,三次或四次收益,如果你看一两年。它们与燃气轮机业务中的GE竞争。天然气是比煤或油更好的化石燃料的方式。我们认为天然气将在未来20年内清理地球,特别是在中国和印度等地方进行了大部分。
  • 风车/比赛(西班牙):“Through Siemens Energy, we are invested in Gamesa, which is one of the two leading windmill producers in the world. That business is quite strong and should remain so because it’s a non-polluting renewable source of energy. It’s not going to produce all the energy in the world, but it’s going to produce five or 10% of the energy going forward.”
  • 工业煤气/林德(德国/美国)/空气液化(法国):“有三个主要工业气体在股票e world. We own two of them. Oxygen and hydrogen are essential for many things, but the potential for using hydrogen as an energy source, especially for trucks, is outstanding. Batteries are unlikely to work in big trucks because the battery would have to be enormous, and that creates a weight issue. We think they’re going to solve the safety issues around hydrogen on trucks, and that’s going to be the solution for getting trucks off the road that are blowing diesel fumes all over the place. Linde is best in class, in our minds. They were just telling investors recently that they think their margins can go up from where they are now. That’s music to our ears, because that means that profitability going forward is probably better than what people think it will be at this point.”
  • HVAC / MIDEA(中国)/运营商(美国。)/ JOHNSON CONTROLS(美国/犹太人):“两个资金中的一个能源的子主题是,我们认为世界上大部分都希望将他们的HVAC系统升级到明显更节能的模型。在世界上消耗的20%的某处接近20%的能量是使建筑物内的空气更热或更冷。所以,我们认为这将是一个10年的周期。Midea,Carrier和Johnson Controls有长期的商业模式,他们将帮助清理地球。“
  • 不是能源,但...电子商务/依赖(印度):“We own stock in a company called Reliance in India, which historically is known as an oil refiner. But they actually have the biggest cell phone network in India, the biggest e-commerce platform in India, and they’re the biggest retailer in India. We think they’re really just getting started on all they can accomplish in India. The prices for cell phone service are extremely cheap, and the market for e-commerce in India is underdeveloped. We think over the next three or four years, Reliance could double. Facebook recently invested $5 billion in Reliance. We think that the partnership potential for companies like Facebook and some of the other e-commerce companies in the U.S. is very significant if they partner with Reliance.”
