

Performance will suffer if investors can’t buy and sell stakes in private assets, researchers argue.

如果他们根据宏观因素和经济周期,例如宏观因素和经济周期可以定期重新收敛私人市场的投资组合,投资者会更好地回报。但与公共市场持股不同,投资者不能轻易重新平衡私人投资 - 这是一份报告,他们的表现正在遭受痛苦,因为周一报告称。


A paper published jointly by economic forecasting firm Oxford Economics and the Beneficient Company Group examines the rebalancing issue, with the authors arguing that it’s conventional wisdom in public markets to overweight and underweight investing styles, industry sectors, and regions in a public portfolio based on expectations of the overall economic environment. Those same factors are at play and affect risks and returns of different private asset classes. As such, similar rebalancing and portfolio construction tools would improve returns and reduce risks in a portfolio consisting of private equity, real estate, venture capital, and other alternative assets.

“我们建议对某些基金策略,无论是私募股权,私人债务,房地产还是基础设施,尤里·穆立金(Yuri Mushkin),受益机构的主要风险官员和报告的作者之一。受益机为小型机构和高净值投资者提供流动性解决方案。



假设经济仍然是未来五年的车辙 - 牛津的基线经济预测 - 研究人员在私募股权和私人债务中历史上预期的预期回报。他们表示,私人债务仍将是多元化的重要来源,因为这些资产擅长相似的公共信用工具。研究人员还期望自然资源和房地产基金在未来几年内越优越。


According to Mushkin, it’s only the largest institutional investors that use the secondary market. In the U.S., 60 percent of the market is made up of large institutions. Even those transactions take six to nine months to complete. Legal costs to draft documents and structure transactions are a large part of secondary deals, which also have to be approved by the fund’s general partner.

