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Veteran CIO Amy Falls Has a Plan for the $12 Billion Northwestern Endowment

The Rockefeller University investment chief has a successful track record of making concentrated bets and taking risks on new talent — and she’s bringing those skills to Evanston.

当长期养老院将麦克莱恩将在18年后留下西北大学作为CIO,他创造了一个罕见的工作机会:有机会在着名的学术机构领导120亿美元的投资组合。之后竞争搜索, Rockefeller University CIO艾米瀑布was chosen as the Chicago-area university’s next investment leader. In an interview with亚博赞助欧冠倾向于倾向于倾向于,瀑布分享了在大流行中招募高级地位的东西 - 以及她在5月接管投资办公室的计划。

Institutional Investor:What drew you to Northwestern?




II:What do you plan or aspire to bring to the endowment that it hasn’t had before?

Falls: This is a very well-established office and my predecessor had an 18-year track record and a very mature, experienced team. It’s important to work well with what is already a very established and good organization. I just want to build on that strength. I’m a believer in concentrating your portfolio, which is obviously a different exercise at $12 billion than at $2 billion. But I’m looking forward to working with the team to make sure that we’re really, with our highest conviction managers, putting sufficient resources in their hands so that they can really have an impact on performance.


II:In VC specifically, I have heard from CIOs that it can be so hard to get into the highest performing VC firms. How will you handle the access problem with venture capital?

Falls: When I started at Rockefeller, we didn’t have that much of a venture program, and that was sort of the same story. Our venture program, I don’t even want to tell you how good the returns were last year and even for this calendar year. But I think the key is not necessarily to try to get access to funds that are already heavily invested, because that’s almost like a zero sum game. If you can get the access, then you’re probably pushing someone else out, or [the fund is] going to outgrow what is a healthy asset size.





II:What about the team? There’s often some anxiety, regardless of industry, when a new boss arrives, and a great part of starting a new job can often be building a team. When you took over at Rockefeller University, you sort of started with a clean slate. How will you approach building or keeping or developing a team?




Falls: At this stage, I think we’ve got a lot of team to work with and I would see working with the team we have for the foreseeable future. I’m quite interested in developing an active analyst program — that’s been really fun and exciting at Rockefeller.



II:If we can just talk about some of the logistics of how you got a job at this level and taking over a team when travel and in-person meetings are so difficult. Did you ever interview in-person for the job or was it all over the internet?

Falls: I did, I did. This was Chicago, I just want to remind you. It was winter and I had a couple of interviews outside. One there was a heater; one we were walking fast and I wish I had had a hat, but I didn’t. So I did do a little bit of in-person interviewing, particularly with the CFO and the chair of the investment committee, where those relationships are so important. Much was on Zoom. Zoom, we’ve all gotten better at, but I am very anxious to get out there in-person and be in a face-to-face setting as soon as it’s safe to do so.

我不会让任何人在减去10度天气中走动 - 我没有;这是十一月或十二月,所以这并不是那么冷。但随着春天来的,我们越早可以在一起,更好。With my team at Rockefeller, we’re doing the job as well as we can, but I don’t feel that the ancillary thinking — which I think is often the most important kind of thinking — is so easy when you have an hour and a half Zoom. It’s kind of like the difference between buying a book on Amazon and going to a great bookstore. You can get it done, but you’re not going to see that other thing out of the corner of your eye.

So I really miss being in-person, and hopefully, God-willing we’ll all be back in places where we can be together going forward. As much as I appreciate Zoom and the technology, I think it’s important to build relationships.

II:你的丈夫[汉密尔顿里董事长Hartley Rogers]是如何成为婚姻中最不成功的人?

Falls: [laughing] He’s very humble about it. People keep saying, “Really? He’s going to move to Chicago?” Yeah, he is. Who you marry, it’s really important. It’s one thing to have a husband who says, “I would never stand in your way.” It’s another to have a partner who truly supports you. In life, sometimes one person has the opportunity, sometimes the other one does. It’s really lucky when you can count on your partner to be like, “Okay, fun. Fun, new adventure, let’s go.”