



The Court of Appeal for Saskatchewan ruled earlier this month that the investors — including Mosten Investment, which hold policies from Manulife — can deposit an unlimited amount of money into universal life contracts issued by both Manulife and Bank of Montreal’s insurance arm and earn a guaranteed rate of interest. The plaintiffs didn’t get a similar go-ahead for contracts issued by another insurance company.




“Mosten is pleased the Court of Appeal granted its appeal and the declarations sought by Mosten. Those include that Mosten has the right under the terms of its contract with Manulife, to invest without limit in the investments provided by the side account of the policy,” said Mosten’s lawyers in an emailed statement. But the lawyers noted that, “Mosten is disappointed that the Court chose to set aside the decision of the trial Judge that regulations passed by the Government of Saskatchewan at the behest of Manulife following the trial, do not apply to the contract held by Mosten. The result permits the interference by the government in the contract between Mosten and Manulife and unfairly denies Mosten the benefit, without compensation, of a contract issued by Manulife decades before the regulations were passed. Mosten is reviewing the decision.”


投资者于2019年4月向法院向上次裁定了对投资者战略的法院提出了上诉 - 但拯救了保险公司,他们认为他们的公司将导致其公司潜在崩溃。



当迈克尔·霍金斯(Michael Hawkins),一个农民和长期保险精算师来说,案件追溯到十年后,开始寻找和购买具有利润丰富利益的现有所有者的普遍寿命保险合同。保险公司已发出合同,使政策持有人将无限金额存入账户的能力,这些账户提供了3%至5%的账户,远远超过现在提供的类似安全投资。霍金斯后来创建了合作伙伴关系,包括MOST,举行政策。
