

根据S&P Global的说法,长期以来批评为赚钱的差价,许多ESG集中资金击败了Covid-19关闭的整体市场。

Good corporate governance has been largely good for investors’ pockets during the Covid-19 pandemic.

In the first year of the pandemic, large funds with environmental, social, and governance criteria outperformed the broader market, according to a reportpublished this week by S&P Global。这是最新的这种分析,表明ESG风险的投资绩效问题,至少在大流行期间。

S&P’s analysis included 26 ESG exchange-traded funds and mutual funds with more than $250 million in assets under management. From March 5, 2020 to March 5, 2021, 19 of the funds grew between 27.3 percent and 55 percent, outpacing the S&P 500 index’s 27.1 percent rise, according to S&P.




标准普尔定义了“ESG集中的”资金,因为屏幕屏幕标准,如良好的治理实践,可持续性分数,披露实践,化石燃料曝光,遵守宗教原则以及工作场所多样性。在分析中包含的26个ESG基金中,S&P表示Parnassus Investments'Parnassus努力基金看到了55%的增长最大的收益。该基金拥有近36亿美元的资产,是Parnassus基金,拥有严格的ESG标准,Parnassus创始人和杰里德森主席。

Dodson, a pioneer of ESG investing, founded the San Francisco-based firm in 1984. Parnassus now manages about $38 billion in assets and does not invest in companies that make 10 percent or more of their revenue from various sectors, including fossil fuels, weapons, alcohol, and gambling.

Dodson, who was lead portfolio manager of the Endeavor Fund until he stepped down in January, said in an interview with亚博赞助欧冠that the “pendulum has swung completely” on ESG investing. He recalled the criticism Parnassus received in its early days from critics who said investing in socially responsible companies was not a good way to make money.



道森说,他预计ESG-focused基金成为even more popular as younger generations begin to invest more. However, he also expects some funds to continue use ESG as a marketing mechanism.

至于努力的基金,它在芯片制造商微米技术和应用材料等信息技术股上沉重。该基金在联邦快递,差距,汉尼布兰州和金融公司(包括Charles Schwab和Capital One)也具有重要的持股。Dodson将投资策略描述为价值导向的长期,以承诺对社会负责价值观。


Like Dodson, BlackRock CEO Larry Fink has also predicted a rising trend in the ESG space, and he identified 2020 as an accelerant, particularly with regard to sustainability-focused companies and funds.

Fink noted in his2021 annual letter to CEOs共同基金和ETF中的投资者在2020年1月至11月在全球范围内投入了2880亿美元的可持续资产,从前一年增加了96%。

