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Bill Hwang Invested Millions in Other Tiger Cubs, Including Chase Coleman’s Tiger Global and Steve Mandel’s Lone Pine

Tax filings for Hwang’s charitable foundation reveal past investment ties to more than 20 hedge funds related to Tiger Management.

The liquidation of Bill Hwang’s Archegos Capital family office last month is inadvertently shedding new light on the secretive hedge fund family of Tiger Cubs, Seeds and Grandcubs to which he belongs.


事实上,在草原黄投资t $65 million in more than 20 other hedge funds with ties to Tiger Management, according to tax filings of the Grace and Mercy Foundation, Hwang’s charity, which had amassed over $470 million as of 2018. The filings show investments made between 2007 and 2017, the latest data available.

“This cross-Tiger fund investing goes on all the time,” said one individual familiar with the hedge fund family. “They use it as a way to access idea flow.”

Chase Coleman’s Tiger Global Management and Steve Mandel’s Lone Pine are the two most famous Tiger Cubs that Hwang invested with, the filings show.

Hwang和Coleman都是high-profile seedsof Robertson’s in 2001, but their paths have diverged since Hwang’s troubles with regulators led him to turn his hedge fund into a family office.

Coleman, meanwhile, has become one of the top hedge fund managers in the world. He made $2.5 billion last year, coming in third on亚博赞助欧冠’sRich List.


He remains an investor in Tiger Global, according to an individual familiar with the hedge fund.

The Tigers are known for investing in a lot of the same stocks, and there is one such recent cross-over between Tiger Global and Archegos that got pummeled in thelate March liquidation作者:王莹,郧阳轩酒店

截至去年年底,Tiger Global是GSX中最大的知名对冲投资者,中国在线教育公司,即短款卖家所说的欺诈是短挤压的一部分。据投资者称,三月全球下跌5.3%。

Mandel’s Lone Pine, one of the oldest of the Tiger Cubs, was in another one of the stocks that reportedly was part of the liquidation: Farfetch. Its Lone Cascade long/short hedge fundfell 10 percentduring the quarter, asIIpreviously reported.

Hwang’s foundation reported a distribution from Lone Cascade of almost $150,000 in 2018. A spokesman for Lone Pine declined to say whether Hwang was still an investor in the fund.


Hwang’s biggest loss reported in the filings was Asia-focused Kelusa Capital, where he lost $2.2 million on a $6 million investment in 2010 —and more in later years. Kelusa is no longer registered with the SEC, an indication that it has either shut down or has sunk below $100 million and therefore is no longer required to register.

Other big losers were Thrax Management and Goshen Global, neither of which are currently registered with the SEC. Hwang lost more than $1.2 million on a Thrax investment of $4 million and $1.3 millionon his $2.5 million investment in Goshen. In 2011, he reported a loss of $1.1 million on a $3.5 million investment in DLH Capital, which is also not registered.

Hwang also lost money investing in Tiger funds Long Oar Global Investors, Cascabel Management, Saferidge Capital Partners, Axial Capital Management, and WRA Investment Partners — all of which are no longer registered with the SEC. In addition, he lost around $376,000 on a $1.5 million investment in Hound Partners, which remains an active hedge fund.


In addition to investing in hedge funds, the foundation has also held investments in stocks popular with the Tiger crowd, including Amazon, Facebook, Netflix, and Apple.

但恩典和慈悲基础似乎更多的资产采集者,每年的最低捐款金额。2018年,it reported qualified distributions of only $20 million — or less than 5 percent of its assets —to various charities, most of them related to Christian organizations.

A spokesman for Hwang did not return a request for comment by presstime.

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