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Ever since Japan’s Financial Services Agency (FSA) released “Progress Report on Enhancing the Asset Management Business 2020” last June, a hot topic in the country has been the use of subadvisors to enhance asset management capability. Many of the world’s leading assets managers have served as subadvisors in Japan’stoshinmarket, but it is only with the recent success of foreign equity funds that their role has drawn significant attention. (Toshin是一个缩写toshi-shintaku, or investment trust akin to mutual funds and closed-end funds in the U.S.)

祥子Shinoda基金分析师Rakuten Securities Inc. says, “There has been an excessive focus on cost in the last few years, and subadvisors have been regarded as a contributor to increased costs. With the recent strength of the stock market, however, investors have realized that performance outweighs cost. Funds that have performed well, such as Baillie Gifford and ARK, have attracted attention and, as a result, the importance of subadvisors is being recognized.”

Shinoda identifies two types of subadvisors in Japan: asset managers who offer their own products and also serve as subadvisors, such as Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, and T. Rowe Price, and asset managers who act only as subadvisors, such as PIMCO.

One firm that has embraced the subadvisory trend is Mitsubishi UFJ Kokusai Asset Management (MUFGAM), which has AUM in outsourced funds of more than JPY 3 trillion with over 50 subadvisors. “We have our own foreign asset management products, but it is important to cooperate with other asset managers to provide investment opportunities in niche asset classes and newly emerging theme products for our investors and retailers. It is essential to offer products that differentiate us from other companies as market conditions dictate, as in the current investment climate of low interest rates and a dramatically changing stock market,” says Mamoru Oizumi, Senior Deputy General Manager of Product Development Division.

Yasuo Sasai, General Manager of Sub-Advised Fund Management Division, adds that it is “difficult for domestic asset managers to manage foreign assets with a bottom-up approach and continuously earn positive returns. It is beneficial for us to outsource the operation to local foreign players or invest in them as a fund of funds.”


Domestic asset managers act as gatekeepers who select asset managers and management strategies from an expansive field that includes everything from gigantic global managers to specialized boutique managers. So, how do they choose?



“Differentiation in investment strategy is another a key factor in evaluating a subadvisor because you cannot outperform by using the same strategies as other asset managers,” he continues. “It’s not enough simply to be different, because that along can produce negative results.”


“As a gatekeeper,” says Oizumi, “we not only assess performance, but also encourage improvement, such as in the quality and speed of reports produced when the market is changing rapidly.”

Quite a few active funds performed better than index funds in 2020, and some of them had generated considerably higher returns. Shinoda notes that “cutting off active funds based merely on cost is easy and goes against the effort to increase sophistication of the asset management industry. We now need discussions around how to evaluate active funds fairly.”


Learn more about Japan fund managers.