



Unpleasant weather — like snow, rain, clouds, and wind — can have psychological and physiological impacts on institutional investors, resulting in slower processing of earnings news and an amplified “post-earnings announcement drift” among a firm’s top investment professionals, according to a study from Stony Brook University professor Danling Jiang, Troy University’s Dylan Norris, and George Mason University’s Lin Sun. The post-earnings announcement drift, known as the PEAD effect, refers to the tendency for a stock’s cumulative abnormal returns to drift for a long period of time following an earnings announcement.


“Our paper extends existing studies by showing that weather does not just affect individuals’ optimism, pessimism, and trading behavior, but also influences how investors, particularly institutional investors, process newly arrived public information and exert an impact on the speed and the degree of market pricing of announced news,” they wrote.


与以往的天气和市场参与者的表现的关系不同,Sun告诉了亚博赞助欧冠她和其他作者检查了哪种类型s of investors are most impacted by the weather. The researchers identified the top ten institutional investors at each firm and located the weather stations within a 50-kilometer radius of the zip code of each investor’s headquarter location. Jiang, Norris, and Sun then examined the weather over a two-week period before an earnings announcement. When unpleasant weather arose in the area on the day of an earnings announcement, institutional investors were more likely to have delayed market responses, reflected as weaker immediate reactions and stronger post-earnings-announcement drifts.







