

Decades after his first book on investing, Jack Brennan has a new update where he discusses everything from endowments to the value of active management.

Jack Brennan wasn’t surprised by the meteoric rise and fall of GameStop stock earlier this year, which sent ripples through the market and ensnared hedge funds and other institutions. As the former chairman and CEO of Vanguard got closer to publishing a new version of his famous treatise on investing, including how to avoid the worst mistakes, individual investors were piling into the stock, in part to drive up the price and inflict damage on hedge funds that were betting on the game retailer’s fall.



在他的新书中,布伦南对军队的建议of individual investors on posting on Reddit and trading on Robinhood. “While investing in stocks is not a fad, approaching it as a game to be played is dangerous. It is akin to gambling, and, as we know, the house usually wins,” he wrote in the book, “More Straight Talk on Investing.”

谈到II那Brennan added that under a “sensible” plan, “‘Do nothing’ is generally the best answer at any point in time.”

Brennan didn’t “do nothing” between the first and second versions of the book, first published in 2004. Rather than just updating his “Straight Talk” for the 2020s, the former CEO of a company that democratized investing added a chapter on alternatives, including undemocratic hedge funds.

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尽管禀赋的表现和他们所采取的风险量来实现这些回报has been a source of debate那Brennan’s book includes statistics that show the largest endowments have beaten common benchmarks, with a lot less risk. Large endowments outperformed both a U.S. benchmark with 60 percent in stocks and 40 percent in bonds as well as a global equity index over 20 and 30 years, according to “More Straight Talk.”

Brennan also admires endowments’ willingness to change their behavior after the 2008 financial crisis when they were hurt by their inability to sell private investments. “There is an illiquidity premium, but they got stuck when they ran out of cash,” he said in the interview.




In his book, Brennan runs through all the negatives, such as costs, the wide gap between the best and the worst managers, high risk, and complexity. He also lays out the basics of incentive fees and calls for full and clear disclosure from managers. “I want the reader to be a smart buyer,” he explained toII。“I spend a lot of time around those alternatives. They can be valuable to them.”

A 401(k) plan, for instance, is “permanent capital,” Brennan said. “Why wouldn’t you want to have 10 percent of those assets exposed to the private market? It’s coming.”






虽然这本书的前提是教人们要自己投资 - 主要是通过保持它简单 - Brennan已经到来,在某些情况下,建议可能是必不可少的,特别是在退休期间。虽然他不会评论Vanguard,但资产经理最初将其基金直接瞄准个人。它后来扩大到销售机构和提供不同级别的建议

Brennan wrote in the book that individuals shouldn’t go it alone when trying to determine how long their money will last, how to deal with a bear market during retirement, and taxes.



“He might have been concerned, if he knew I never looked at it either,” he laughed. “But that’s a metaphor for the way most of us should be thinking about the non-work phase of our lives.”
