
After Sudden Supply and Demand Shocks, What Does A Recovery Look Like?

作者:Evan Peterson,CME集团


  • 布鲁·普特南讨论了在流感大流行时代,价格和商品供应突然变化的一些经验教训
  • Anew resource for teachers and students addresses the challenges of sudden supply and demand shocks and what we’ve learned from the past year

Econ Essentials,a program created in partnership with Futures Fundamentals and Discovery Education, is designed to help high school students learn about core economic principles. Aiming to connect these concepts to current events, a new resource for teachers and students addresses the challenges of sudden supply and demand shocks and what we’ve learned from the past year.


Anew learning tool created by Discovery Education in partnership with Futures Fundamentalsuses examples from the current environment to provide students a useful example of what happens when supply and demand changes suddenly and drastically. This resource is available for high school-level classrooms, and it comes at a moment of economic change we are not likely to see again for some time.

航空公司和任何行业一样,都能说明COVID-19时代的突然供需冲击,但受影响的绝不只有航空公司。Meat,lumber,industrial metalsand国际航运所有行业都受到我们在OpenMarkets上讨论过的COVID的极大影响。大流行开始时,芝加哥商品交易所集团首席经济学家布鲁普特南回答了问题从学生们那里了解他对COVID-19如何颠覆工业和我们日常生活的看法。我们再次与他联系,讨论过去一年的供需动态,以及我们可以从中吸取什么教训。下面是我们的对话。


布鲁普特南:The pandemic accelerated a trend toward more flexible work arrangements for office staff. This has allowed people think about living outside city centers, moving to the suburbs or even more rural areas. This people movement has led to a boom in housing prices outside city centers.

Businesses also learned during the pandemic that virtual meetings could replace many in-person meetings. So, post pandemic, many companies are moving to a hybrid model of virtual meetings with fewer in-person meetings, and that means business travel will not return to pre-pandemic levels.




Gasoline prices at the pump are another interesting example. When the shutdown hit in March-April 2020, airlines stopped flying, and people did not drive as much. Gas prices dropped. Now that travel is coming back, both on the road and in the air, gasoline prices have moved considerably higher.



As economists study the pandemic era in the years ahead, they are sure to find ways to better understand how everything played out. Is there a historical example that has similarly changed supply and demand dynamics so swiftly?

布鲁普特南:The best examples of how to analyze abrupt events are actually found in physics in the study of phase transitions. Think about water when it is heated and goes from a liquid to a gas. All the turbulence is at the boundary or the surface of the water as it comes to a boil. The most severe economic turbulence was in the first few months of the virus’ arrival.


供给和需求一直确定part by available technology. What is an example of an industry where technology enabled a smooth transition to the pandemic economy, and an example of an industry that struggled to adapt?

布鲁普特南:When the shutdown hit, technology allowed for a rapid shift to a higher percentage of online shopping relative to visiting brick and mortar stores. The online shopping pattern was already gaining traction before the pandemic, and COVID-19 accelerated the trend.

