

在Leon Black的出发之外,Josh Harris将于2022年初离开公司。

阿波罗全球管理三位联合创始人之一Josh Harris正在通过Apollo与Athene,保险公司附属公司的Apollo融合后离开替代投资公司。雅娜交易预计将于2022年的第一季度完成。

哈里斯的出口将留在阿波罗的董事会和执行委员会,标志着公司的高调联合创始人的另一大重构。莱昂黑人于3月份陷入困境从他的主席角色在1月放弃首席执行官职位后。Black的出发在阿波罗委员会委托一份独立的报告之后,提供了关于Black的争议联系的新细节,以为性犯罪者Jeffrey Epstein。

Black于1990年创立了阿波罗,几年后由哈里斯和Marc Rowan加入。所有人都是垃圾债券先锋德雷塞尔伯伯特的退伍军人。这三个人从华尔街投资银行边达到了经验,在那里他们为新公司提供资金,以形成资产经理。


罗文,后面的建筑师阿波罗的利润丰厚的保险战略,现在是首席执行官。He, along with Jim Zelter, now head of Apollo’s credit arm, and Jim Belardi, head of Athene, began buying annuities from troubled insurance companies in 2009. The move launched them into the business of managing insurance assets and meant that Apollo would have to build a substantial credit business, because the majority of insurance company assets are in corporate bonds. In the subsequent six years, Apollo quietly transformed itself, building a credit business larger than its private equity division and powered by the insurance start-up.


“After nearly 31 years at Apollo, it is time for me to start the next chapter of my career, where I will focus full-time on the platforms I’ve created outside of the firm as well as deepen my commitment to philanthropy and social impact,” Harris said in a statement. “I have dedicated the past three decades to helping lead and build this incredible company. I leave knowing that our unrivaled and deeply talented global team is in the most capable hands under Marc’s leadership. I am grateful to Marc for his partnership and friendship.”