


In his widely-watched address accepting the Democratic presidential nomination, Joe Biden said last week that if elected he plans to end President Trump’s “tax giveaway” to the “wealthiest one percent.”

对于在全国各地代表拜登十字架的国家的财富经理,魔鬼在细节。这些细节在政策主题上延长了很长时间,而是缺乏细节。With just 10 weeks before Election Day, advisors concerned about financial planning for their clients in the event of a Biden victory can only rely on a patchwork of previously released plans from Biden’s campaign and analysis from Washington-based think tanks such as the Tax Foundation and Tax Policy Center.

“这一切的不确定性都会导致人们很多焦虑,”如果经,观众家庭财富顾问的管理合伙人Brian Weiner说。“还有很多未知数。”



对于一个,最近几周的民意调查导致投票的竞标缩小了一点,可能会失去四年前蔑视赔率的现任现任种族,而且没有意图提高税收。Even if Biden wins, and the Senate returns to Democratic control in a so-called blue wave, it’s not clear that some of Biden’s most far reaching tax goals – such as sharply increasing capital gains and dividend taxes on the wealthiest Americans or raising taxes on inherited assets – will win the support of some Democrat senators.

一种特别有争​​议的措施将消除“基础上升”,目前允许许多美国人将资本收益通过很少没有税收的继承人。如果这一提案成为法律,那将对儿童和其他小企业,家庭农场,适度股票和艺术组合等儿童和其他资产产生负面影响 - 不仅仅是百分之一的人群。

尽管如此,一些顾问还表示,有投资和房地产规划步骤是明智的税法是否有变化。For example, clients can take advantage of the generous “Unified Credit” that currently exempts $11.58 million from combined gift and estate taxes by establishing irrevocable trusts and other vehicles for making big gifts to heirs during one’s lifetime ahead of a possible dramatic cut in the “Unified Credit,” should the Democrats take control. To avoid estate taxes for higher net worth clients, advisors should start to set up trusts soon, as they can take a few months, and many new tax laws may be retroactively applied to Jan. 1, even if agreed upon in the spring or summer.


Among Biden’s proposals, those that stand the best chance of becoming law mirror the terms that will occur anyway when certain features of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Acts sunset in 2025, says Bill Smith, managing director of the national tax office of CBIZ MHM, an advisory firm to mostly privately-held businesses. That includes bumping up the top marginal rate on individual income from 37% to 39.6% for individuals making more than $400,000 a year. It also means that Congress would be inclined to cut the Unified Credit on estate and gift taxes roughly in half.

However, Smith and some wealth managers interviewed wondered whether even a Democratic-controlled Congress – especially if the Senate only has a slight Democratic majority – will go along with Biden’s proposal to overhaul how long-term capital gains and dividends are treated so that those earning $1 million or more a year would be taxed as if the capital gains and dividends were ordinary income. That would effectively raise the tax rate from 23.8% to 39.6%.


作为妥协的一部分,富人的资本增益增加可以随着纳税人扣除国家和地方税收的能力而增加,这是龙骨的首席经济学家Steven Skancke表示。“除非它与某种赠品绑定,否则我认为没有消除资本获得偏好的巨大可能性。”




虽然大会最终远远超过徒步旅行的资本税收,但现在有一个争论。“旧税表达是”推迟,推迟,推迟“ - 你永远不会加速获得收益,”史密斯说。“但这是人们应该考虑获得收益的时间。”例如,他说,高收入投资者可以以23.8%的速度销售竞标股票并支付长期资本收益。“洗涤销售规则仅适用于损失,而不是收益,因此您不必担心不得不将股票延迟30天,”他指出。“If Biden gets elected and you are subject to 39.6% on income over a million, your basis has at least been increased to where it was when you sold it.而不是每次征税的所有收益,你已经占据了23.8%的批评。“


