Senator Katie Muth是一名普及人士的民主党,自2月以来一直在普通话委员会,周二在“不断拒绝拒绝担任董事会成员的职务和信息所需的文件和信息”之后提出了投诉。The complaint details PSERS’ “failure and refusal, without just cause or reason” to provide Muth with “PSERS’ records pursuant to her statutory duties as a duly appointed member of the Board and a fiduciary on behalf of the members of the PSERS system.”
在一份声明中,Muth表示,基金的不透明度从“令人沮丧”到“令人难以置信地”,在四月,新闻打破了司法部正在调查养老基金。According to the complaint, the investigation into the fund’s “historic mismanagement” is concerned with two issues: “The Board’s adoption of an inaccurate figure for performance, which was adopted in December 2020,” and “the Board’s acquisition of various real property for investment purposes, the full circumstances of which are still not known to the Board.”