



The Biden administration’s bipartisan deal with senators on $579 billion in new infrastructure spending, if passed by Congress, is a generational opportunity, and one that could increase spending even beyond that amount, by attracting capital from long-term institutional investors to help revitalize America’s infrastructure.


建立和经营基础设施和可持续投资的社会许可也在高水位标记,许多领先的长期机构投资者在相应的情况下将环境,社会和治理标准纳入其商业惯例。亚博赞助欧冠通过the same token, infrastructure concessions and other public-private partnerships are a natural fit for providers of ‘patient capital’ such as independent pension funds and other long-term investors, given their ability to stay the course through economic cycles, their reduced sensitivity to short-term yield, and their capacity to reinvest and grow assets over decades.

根据G20支持的全球基础设施枢纽,世界需要94万亿美元的基础设施需求到2040年 - 政府不太可能自己填补的差距。

This is where ‘patient capital’ comes in. For example, CPP Investments has financed U.S. infrastructure already, such as through our investment positions and support for continued reinvestment in the Chicago Skyway and Transurban Chesapeake toll roads, and in Puget Sound Energy (Washington state’s largest energy utility). Through our new Sustainable Energies Group, which combines our renewables and conventional energy programs, we also invest in the energy sector more broadly as it evolves towards low-carbon alternatives.


最后一点至关重要。亚博赞助欧冠机构投资者寻求风险调整的回报,敏锐地意识到,如果连续的政府在投资之后尝试重新开放经济安排,或者如果监管规则,则鉴于他们的长期,基础设施资产可能会暴露在政治和监管风险。在资产的生命中,道路上的重大转变。更大的风险将导致投资者预期的溢价。因此,确保透明度也很重要 - 为投资者带来项目的规则,审批流程和时间表,并将监管框架仍然明确。



John Graham是CPP投资的总裁兼首席执行官。