

Bruce Blythe,CME组


  • 粮食生产者进入pandemic-era plantin三分之一g season with some traditional and new risks ahead, highlighting the need for risk management tools
  • Short-dated new crop options offer more flexibility in marketing decisions for farmers, say introducing brokers

Farmers are in the uncertainty business, constantly at the mercy of difficult-to-predict forces such as commodity prices, geopolitics and weather.

The past two years, however, were hardly business as usual, as the COVID-19 pandemic roiled markets and economies and exposed farmers’ traditional grain options-based hedging strategies as not always well-suited for fast-moving times.

As another growing season looms, CME’s short-dated new-crop options have emerged as a handy tool to help farmers, as well as grain processors and others in agriculture, lower hedging costs and help protect against “Black Swan” disruptions, as well as more predictable events, such as USDA crop reports, said Jack Hainline, Risk Advisor at Advance Trading Inc.


“A lot of producers that did not hedge with options made emotional decisions when the market tanked after Covid hit in 2020 that they normally wouldn’t have made,” Hainline said. “Not having price floors in place with an option hedge can cause that sort of panicked reaction. The counter effect happened when grain prices rallied after markets recovered leading into the spring of 2021.”

As we head into another planting season in the U.S., we discussed with Hainline and Matt Huston, a broker with New Frontier Capital Markets, three main risks to watch for producers during the spring.




This year, persistent drought has slashed harvest prospects in southern Brazil and other key crop areas, sending corn futures rallying above $6 a bushel to seven-month highs. Environments like this can cause a disconnect between old-crop and new-crop futures, meaning hedging new-crop production using standard put options that derive value from old crop futures won't serve as an adequate hedge, Hainline said.



Early indications are that producers are adopting this approach in 2022. Short-Dated New Crop options open interest – the number of outstanding contracts – was already over 100,000 in late February, while February average daily trading volume was almost double 2021.





Early indications from美国干旱监控在历史上,显示了一些在历史上生长的地区的水平。这是一个典型的LaNiña年的模式,干燥的条件可以通过春天蔓延到中西部,影响玉米和大豆的一些较高的生产区域。



For example, a May short-dated new-crop corn put option with a $5.40 strike price (and linked to December corn futures), could have been purchased in late January at a premium of 10 cents. The standard put option had a premium of 37 1/2 cents, meaning the short-dated version was 27 1/2 cents cheaper.

By purchasing the $5.40 short-dated put, a farmer could have effectively established a price floor for 5,000 bushels of corn at $5.30 ($5.40 minus the 10-cent premium). The put expires April 22, but the buyer in this example was not seeking protection beyond that date.

“If futures drop under $5.30, you’d be in the money and profit as prices fell further,” Huston said. “If prices rise, you let the option expire worthless, but you paid less for it than a traditional options.”

Prospective Plantings Report


Recent circumstances, includingsoaring fertilizer costs那drought in South America and Russia-Ukraine tensions, set this year’s Prospective Plantings report for even greater potential to produce surprises and wide market swings, Huston said.



