
JPMAM雇用前佛罗里达州董事会CIO Ash Williams

“正如Springsteen所说,首先,您必须了解事实。摩根大通(J.P. Morgan)的信息优势是,收集事实是如此。”威廉姆斯(Williams)说。

去年年底,阿什·威廉姆斯(Ash Williams)反思他的成就他告诉亚博赞助欧冠他想留在投资行业。几个月后,这位前首席投资官获得了他的愿望:威廉姆斯已决定加入摩根大通资产管理,担任副主席,向北美机构负责人基思·卡希尔(Keith Cahill)报告。

威廉姆斯(Williams)在私营部门拥有丰富的经验,包括他职业生涯的早期担任Schroders Capital Management的职业生涯和首席执行官,并担任FIR Tree Partners的高管。离开FSBA后,他花了一些时间找到正确的位置并告诉ii该JPMAM的管理资产为2.7万亿美元,非常合适。“我真正与之搏斗的是,当我退休时,我今年67岁佛罗里达州议会。我[]在各种情况下都在公共和私人情况下工作,在您生活中的这一点上,您真的想正确地做出这个决定。这不是失败或失误的时候。”

When asked to dive into some of the specific factors influencing his decision, Williams immediately pointed to the benefits that the asset manager gets from being part of JPMorgan Chase, including the fact that JPM’s banking platform collects business, credit card, and other data and can paint a picture of U.S. consumer behavior in real time.

“正如布鲁斯·斯普林斯汀(Bruce Springsteen)所说,首先,您必须了解事实。威廉姆斯说:“收集事实是J.P. Morgan拥有非凡的信息优势,如果由于公司的银行业务是银行银行的大部分地区,那么该国的大部分地区。来自世界其他地区。


Cahill added, “It doesn’t necessarily have to be a strategic partnership, but, for example, if we can get real-time data on where half the population of the U.S. is spending, how much they’re saving, [and] what they’re spending on, if gives us real insight about where the economy is going, before broader reports are digested.”

卡希尔(Cahill)和威廉姆斯(Williams)将探索和扩展的其他领域包括环境,社会和治理投资和退休储蓄解决方案。Given the trillions in capital that will be required to get to a zero-carbon footprint in a few decades, Williams said, “I find it hard to believe that when you look at that need, there aren’t ways to make investments that are completely prudent and very exciting, and at the same time very constructive.”