周四,州街还举行了第一季度的收益电话。The firm’s report showed that total compensation and employee benefits declined 1 percent year-over-year, from $1.24 million in the first quarter of 2021 to $1.23 million in the first quarter of 2022. The report said the decline was driven by lower head-count in high-cost locations, likely as a result of more employees working from home.
Korn Ferry的执行薪酬和治理实践的副客户合作伙伴Brian Dresch告诉亚博赞助欧冠该公司去年根据大辞职,这给有力的人才提供了更高的溢价,并创造了一个竞争性的环境 - 他所描述的“超竞争” - 用于人才获得和保留。德雷施说,大多数压力导致固定薪水略有增加,尽管他补充说,薪酬费用的某些薪酬增长也可能归因于头部计数的增加。
据执行搜索公司戴维·巴雷特(David Barrett)合伙人的创始人戴维·巴雷特(David Barrett)表示,替代人和长期以来的经理人预计将增加薪酬和福利。巴雷特告诉巴雷特说:“尽管市场上波动的市场,资产管理人员仍在积极招聘和扩大团队,尤其是在分销和产品领域,因此应该增加补偿和'Bens'。”ii在电子邮件中。
In a Johnson Associates report from March, the compensation consulting firm found that despite some outliers, asset management industry incentives actually increased year-over-year by anywhere from 12 percent to 20 percent in 2021. The firm attributed the increase to last year’s surging markets,主动策略为了打击费用压力和流出,并越来越强调替代方案和技术解决方案。该报告还指出,在2021年底有压力增加了基本工资的压力 - 引用了大流行对员工的负面影响是增加激励赔偿的原因之一。
George Wilbanks, executive recruiter and founding partner of Wilbanks Partners, an executive search firm, said that most of his firm’s clients upped bonus accruals in the third and fourth quarters of 2021, and that those stronger accruals have continued in the first quarter of 2022. But both he and Barrett said it remains to be seen how poor public market performance, inflation expectations, and geopolitical uncertainties — like the俄罗斯 - 乌克兰战争中国与COVID-19与COVID相关的锁定 - 将影响未来几个季度的薪酬。
但是,大多数招聘人员和资产经理似乎都同意,在赔偿方面,2021年是独一无二的。Dresch说:“ 2021年将是2022年复制的艰难一年。”