那年,亚博赞助欧冠将发布有史以来的第一个全美研究团队:货币经理在26个行业的覆盖范围中珍视的85位卖方分析师清单。最初,人们有点有趣的东西 - 配以打扮成足球运动员的分析师的插图 - 成为了职业生涯的机构。
“研究部门已经进行了重组,投资银行愿意为II中做得更好的资源和资源分析师提供资金,”美国银行银行股票研究主管Brett Hodess说。“ II为分析师产生的臭名昭著为人们了解谁在为客户增加价值而创造了一种速记方式。”
“In the mid-’70s, when commission rates collapsed, everyone thought the sell side was going to go away,” says Nick Rosato, head of North America equity research at JPMorgan Chase & Co. “Fast-forward to the other big events, such as the tech crash of 2000, Eliot Spitzer in 2002, the global financial crisis in 2008, and the real existential crisis of MiFID II in 2018 — here we are in 2021, and the business is thriving and has evolved along with the needs of our clients.”