

那年,亚博赞助欧冠将发布第一个全美研究团队:由金钱经理提供的85个销售方分析师列表,以跨26个行业的覆盖范围。最初是有点乐趣的东西 - 与足球运动员一样打扮的分析师的插图 - 成为一个职业制作机构。


今天,二世发布第50届全美研究团队,在60个行业和宏观行业排名分析师,并认识到一个幸存下来的政府调查,市场衰退和更改游戏规定的行业 - 并比以往任何时候都更强大。

“In the mid-’70s, when commission rates collapsed, everyone thought the sell side was going to go away,” says Nick Rosato, head of North America equity research at JPMorgan Chase & Co. “Fast-forward to the other big events, such as the tech crash of 2000, Eliot Spitzer in 2002, the global financial crisis in 2008, and the real existential crisis of MiFID II in 2018 — here we are in 2021, and the business is thriving and has evolved along with the needs of our clients.”

49年后,AART仍然是买方对分析师及其公司的看法的领导晴雨表 - 即使在增加价值的工作变得更加艰难......
