

“在过去的一年中,我们已经看到全球投资者的需求强劲增加,与公司高管见面,”亚太地区研究营销,账户管理和企业进入的亚太地区的亚太地区首脑,亚洲银行Merrill Lynch,讲亚博赞助欧冠在今年亚洲顶级企业访问提供商的名单中的一个功能中。“这些需求主要侧重于与印度和中国的企业会面 - 世界上最大的两个经济体 - 新的政府制度,改革议程和对全球经济的影响激烈。”

To find out which Asian companies host the type of event that financial professionals find most beneficial, Institutional Investor asked buy- and sell-side participants in the 2015 All-Asia Executive Team survey — our exclusive annual ranking of the region’s best corporate leaders and investor outreach programs — to tell us which of the entities they cover host the most constructive analyst days. We received responses from more than 1,160 investment professionals at close to 490 financial services firms. Respondents from the buy side work at institutions that collectively manage nearly $971 billion in Asia (ex-Japan) equities.


来自11个国家的共有49家公司在这一就职名册上享有外观。超过三分之一的名字 - 18 - 总部位于中国,而香港和印度则是九名获奖者。澳大利亚,印度尼西亚,澳门,菲律宾,新加坡,韩国,台湾和泰国也是代表。

