
To select the members for Institutional Investor’s All-Europe Fixed-Income Sales Team, we invited participants in the 2017 All-Europe Fixed-Income Research Team survey to rank the best Generalist salespeople.

We received responses from 239 buy-side analysts and money managers at over 150 firms that collectively manage some $3.8 trillion in European fixed-income assets.

Scores were produced for each of the firms based on the size of the respondent institution’s European fixed-income assets under management and the place it awarded to the firm’s salespeople (first, second, third or fourth).

The names of those surveyed and the institutions for which they work are kept confidential. Voters are required to meet eligibility requirements, and all ballots are subject to review by II’s Research Operations Group. Results are also subject to inspection by an independent auditor.

The 2017 All‐Europe Fixed-Income Sales Team was compiled by Project Managers Denise Hoguet and Tucker Ewing and Researchers Denise Best, Amy Kong and Xiao Lu under the guidance of Managing Director Will Rowlands-Rees.