
To select the members for亚博赞助欧冠’s 2020 Japan’s Top Corporate Access Providers, we invited participants in the 2020 All-Japan Research Team and 2020 All-Japan Executive Team Surveys to provide feedback on the firms that provided the best corporate access, both overall and on a number of attributes.

From the 2020 All-Japan Research Team survey, representing the buy-side point of view, we received responses from more than 142 investors at 102 firms. This group voted for sell-side firms in 30 industry sectors. The six attributes ranked were: One-on-one meetings, Conferences, Reverse road shows, Non-deal road shows, Industry or expert speakers, and Logistics. Each attribute score was based on weighting a firm’s Japanese commission ranges and the place rating awarded. Additionally, a second version of the ranking was created using the assets under management, rather than commissions, as the weighting.

The Corporate Access Leaders Table based on the buy-side response was calculated by adding together a firm’s overall scores within each industry sector to produce a table of the top ten firms.

From the 2020 All-Japan Executive Team survey, representing the corporate point of view, 52 corporates ranked their top four sell-side firms on the following attributes: Investor introductions, Site visits, Conferences, Non-deal road shows, and Feedback. Each attribute score was based on the rating given to the firm.

The Corporate Access Leaders Table based on the corporate response was calculated by adding together a firm’s attribute scores to produce a table of the top ten firms.

The names of those surveyed are kept confidential to ensure their continuing cooperation. Voters are required to meet eligibility requirements, and all ballots are subject to review byII’s Research Operations Group. Results are also subject to inspection by an independent auditor.