亚博篮球怎么下串 Enel To Offer €1B In Debt The board of directors of Italian electricity company, Enel, has approved a €1 billion bond issue. March 04, 2011
Power player? Can a reserved nobleman like Gabriele Galateri di Genola restore the glow to a Mediobanca that has been fading since the death of its wily founder, Enrico Cuccia? January 16, 2004
RUSSIA - Hey Big Spender Russia’s overwhelming presidential favorite, Dmitry Medvedev, promises to ramp up spending to meet the country’s social and physical needs. But his plans pose a threat to economic stability. ByCraig Mellow February 18, 2008
Why Union's gadfly took wing Christoph Bruns turned the stolid bond house into the fastest-growing money manager in Germany by championing shareholder rights. He also brought it a barrage of criticism. Following his exit, expect a more discreet approach. September 30, 2001
At the brink Czech Prime Minister Vladimír Spidla proposes far-reaching economic reforms. But the business community argues that they're much too tame. October 13, 2003
Czech out time The cantankerous prime minister of the Czech Republic, Milos Zeman, will soon leave office, but his legacy of reforms has put the country firmly on the path to EU membership. March 31, 2002