This content is from:365亚博 Daily Agenda: Investors Gauge Political Risks Trump gets bump in the polls; Bayer’s Monsanto bid is official; Japanese exports contract; fertilizer deal dies on inveresion concerns. ByAndrew Barber May 23, 2016
This content is from:365亚博 Second-Quarter 2016 Corporate Buyback Scorecard; 301–305 How the S&P 500 Stack Up as Stock Repurchasers 301–305 ByPeter Vasiliev October 04, 2016
This content is from:365亚博 The Morning Brief: Egerton Dumps Apple, Walgreens ByStephen Taub February 11, 2016
This content is from:365亚博 Second-Quarter 2016 Corporate Buyback Scorecard; Best & Worst Companies The table below ranks the 305 companies in the S&P 500 that bought back at least 4 percent or more than $1 billion of their shares from June 30, 2014 to June 30, 2016. Numbers 1-10. ByPeter Vasiliev October 04, 2016
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This content is from:xinyabo体育app As Stocks Edge Higher, Buyback Programs Get Riskier Companies like GE and Apple continue to repurchase shares in large numbers. But these programs may get riskier. ByS.L. Mintz June 16, 2015